01905 616 944


Worcester Printers Ltd. Unit 3 Carden Court, Carden Close, (off Carden Street) Worcester  WR1 2AR

Wirobound Manuals


                                                      Wirobound Books & Manuals

Whether it's a Training Manual, Company Presentation Brochure,

Personal sketch book or Miniature  Notebook, wirobinding is the ideal way to professionally bind and ensure each page can be opened out flat.


At Worcester printers we can wirobound your documents with a variety of finishes; Clear acetate cover, printed card covers and even hard back covers.

Picture of 3 Wiro bound books

Please contact us with your requirements so we can produce

an accurate QUOTE

Picture of Index Tabs on blue background

We also print and produce tabbed dividers, ideal for training manuals requiring multiple sections.

01905 616 944


Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com