01905 616 944


Worcester Printers Ltd. Unit 3 Carden Court, Carden Close, (off Carden Street) Worcester  WR1 2AR

Paper Sizes

Illustration showing picture size from a7 upto A1
International Paper Sizes
Paper Size Millimeters
A0 1189 x 841
A1 841 x 594
A2 594 x 420
A3 420 x 297
A4 297 x 210
A5 210 x 148
A6 148 x 105

Binding Styles

Image of saddle stitched book typically used for Magazines

Saddle Stitched

standard for Booklets

and Magazines

Image of Wiro bound book used for Calendars and Training Manuals


standard for Calendars and Training Manuals

Image of Perfect bound book

Perfect Bound

for Paper-back Books (glue bound)

Image of Chanel Bound book used for photo book binding

Channel Bound

for Hard-back Books, Photo-books

 and  Dissertations

01905 616 944


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